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Spirare. latin. def. to breathe.

Spirare is the root of the word Aspire, meaning to give breath to one's dreams. It is also the root of the word Inspire, meaning to give breath to the dreams of others. Our goal at Sage Wealth Management is to inspire you to aspire to achieve your financial goals and ambitions. 


Our holistic model, coupled with our financial advisors’ expertise in different investment and insurance arenas, provides you with access to a source of financial advice that is personal, independent, and diversified to your particular goals, needs and concerns.


Jenie Connors

Brad Perkins

I am currently savoring my senior year at Utah Valley University, completing two degrees: Economics and Personal Financial Planning. What an exhilarating ride its been! Finishing up a goal that has been 25 years in coming, makes the end ever so much sweeter...

I am adding it my experience as a business owner with an aim to help others reach their personal and business financial goals. I truly enjoy the collaboration with others to bring about results. And because life is not always quantitative, I relish creative, out-of-the-box solutions to seemingly difficult problems. 


        Lastly, I believe if you are 

        not giving, you are not living. Find a way to serve, do some good, and watch how life's journey becomes that much more enjoyable, and fulfilling. Life is too short to do otherwise.

I am a senior at Utah Valley University. I will be completing my undergraduate degree in Personal Financial Planning. I plan on sitting for the CFP exam in November 2015.


With my internship at SunGard Financial Systems I gained experience in using and teaching others how to use their financial planning softare.


After graduation I plan on completing a Masters degree in Personal Financial Planning/MBA in a dual degree program. 


         The Law of Authenticity: The

          most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.-- The Go Giver



Be the change you wish to see in the world.  -- Ghandi

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